Saturday, February 4, 2017

Weekly Preview: Sastiel

Hello Hunters!

This week on Supernatural Cinematography, we will be analyzing a slash ship commonly called "Sastiel."  For those of you who are relatively new to the fandom, or whom are not entirely caught up on the ship names, this is Sam x Castiel. Up front, I'd like to admit that I personally do not ship Sastiel, but it is a decently common ship, so here we are.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Welcome to Supernatural Cinematography

Hey Hunters! Welcome!

As a Supernatural fan myself, I have found myself curious as to the nature of my ships and whether or not they are or will be cannon in the future, and as a screenwriter, I've also wondered about the hidden "behind-the-scenes" aspects that could have implications to those ships.  Thus, this blog was created!  How exciting!