Monday, March 27, 2017

Weekly Preview: Real Person Slash (RPS)

Hello Hunters!

This week we will be discussing the odd and slightly uncomfortable topic of Real Person Slash.  What is Real Person Slash you ask? Good question!  Real Person Slash is a type of ship—like slash, fem, het—that deals with a pairing of two or more real people (I know, shocker).  Real Person Slash ships have been alive and running since the beginning of the show.

Wincest (Sam/Dean) Ratings

Hello Hunters!

Here's the outlook for Wincest:

Wincest (Sam/Dean)
WTF Factor 9.99/10
Popularity 8.4/10
Cannon Probability 1.5/10
Castielle's Rating 6.3/10

Words are hard Hunters. What do these words mean?