Monday, March 27, 2017

Weekly Preview: Real Person Slash (RPS)

Hello Hunters!

This week we will be discussing the odd and slightly uncomfortable topic of Real Person Slash.  What is Real Person Slash you ask? Good question!  Real Person Slash is a type of ship—like slash, fem, het—that deals with a pairing of two or more real people (I know, shocker).  Real Person Slash ships have been alive and running since the beginning of the show.

Wincest (Sam/Dean) Ratings

Hello Hunters!

Here's the outlook for Wincest:

Wincest (Sam/Dean)
WTF Factor 9.99/10
Popularity 8.4/10
Cannon Probability 1.5/10
Castielle's Rating 6.3/10

Words are hard Hunters. What do these words mean?

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Wincest (Sam/Dean) Analysis

From the pilot episode, Hunters have been shipping Wincest, even before they were Hunters and before the term Wincest was coined.  Merely hours after the pilot aired, the first Wincest fanfic appeared online.  Despite the taboo nature of Sam/Dean slash ship—or perhaps because of it—fanfic authors from all over have been furiously typing away on their computers and laptops about the duo.  The ship has grown and grown, as the abundance of brotherly love for each other was proven time and time again on the show.

Or was it all entirely “brotherly”…

Monday, March 6, 2017

Weekly Preview: Wincest (Sam/Dean)

Hello Hunters!

This week we will be discussing one of the most-shipped pairings of all time, Wincest.  Since the beginning of time (or at least the beginning of the show) Hunters have been matching these two together.  Despite the somewhat taboo topic of an incestuous relationship, Wincest was the most shipped duo up until Castiel was introduced to the show.

Sam/Jess Ratings

Hello Hunters!

Here's the outlook for Sam/Jess:

WTF Factor 4.2/10
Popularity 3.6/10
Cannon Probability 10/10
Castielle's Rating 7.4/10

Words are hard Hunters. What do these words mean?

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sam/Jess Analysis

Jessica Moore and Sam Winchester were a canonical pairing nearly as long as John and Mary Winchester.  From episode one, it was evident that Jess and Sam were crazy about each other.  However, when you take into consideration their not-so-meet-cute story, we are faced with the inescapable fact that their romance was no accident.

Their love story is beautiful; they met in college (supposedly), fell in love, moved in together…and then it all turned sour when Jess was killed and burned on the ceiling of their home, just as Sam and Dean’s mother had been years before.  While Mary’s death, exactly six months after Sam’s birth, prompted John into hunting, Jess’ death drove Sam to continue hunting with his brother, both in order to find and kill the thing that killed their loved ones.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Weekly Preview: Sam/Jess

Hello Hunters!

This week we will be discussing the het ship that won our hearts in the first episode, Sam/Jess.  While they had very little screen time *spoiler alert: she dies in a fire on the ceiling, ala Mary Winchester, in the first episode* it still seems like this ship has latched onto us and we just can't let it go.